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Welcome to the Idaho Breastfeeding Coalition

Nuestro  Misión

La misión de la Coalición de lactancia materna de Idaho es facilitar un paisaje comunitario y estatal que proteja, apoye y promueva la lactancia materna como la norma biológica para un Idaho más saludable.


There are no obstacles to breastfeeding in Idaho.

"Un bebé que amamanta a una madre es una afirmación innegable de nuestro arraigo en la naturaleza".

David Suzuki

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We sincerely appreciate Lynnelle and Pattie for following their passion and creating a beautiful coalition for the state of Idaho. All of the hard work and dedication that went into creating a solid foundation for the Idaho Breastfeeding Coalition will take it far for years to come!

Lynnelle King
Former Chair 

Pattie Hennequin
Former Vice Chair 

Thank You!

Contact Us

6700 North Linder Road, Suite 156, Caja  209
Meridian, Idaho 83646


EIN: 81-4654352

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