Consultora de lactancia / Enfermera de alcance comunitario - Hailey Idaho
Consultora de lactancia / Enfermera de alcance comunitario - Hailey Idaho
Breastfeeding Award of Excellence
Hilary-Anne Coyne, IBCLC of Idaho Falls, Idaho

Hilary worked as a WIC peer counselor in 2003 when her second child was 3
weeks old. She then became a certifier in 2005 and the lead peer counselor.
She became certified as an IBCLC in 2010 and Peer Counseling coordinator in
2014, leading the local Breastfeeding Education Support Team (BEST) group
for East Idaho. She has now served as the Breastfeeding Coordinator for East
Idaho Public Health WIC since 2019. Hilary’s work at WIC included developing
an on-call, text/phone and home visit program. She advocated for innovative
ways to support mothers through the pandemic, continuing to honor WIC
mothers with a Breastfeeding Week event despite challenges in programming.
She organized a successful drive through celebration with gifts and
recognition for WIC mothers. Hilary supports not only her WIC team, but also
collaborates with her entire community to better support breastfeeding.
She has bridged the gap between hospital and community by forging
relationships with hospital lactation teams and acted as a mentor to new
IBCLCs, (including myself), always available to answer questions and discuss
latest issues. If a mother can pick up her phone and get help, or even have
help come to her home, she is more likely to be successful in her goals. Hilary’s
work at WIC, in helping to develop an on-call, text/phone and home visit
program, has made breastfeeding more accessible to thousands of mothers.
Hilary is extremely knowledgeable, confident, and assertive in her advocacy
and balances this with a caring and compassionate intention, making her
approachable and loved by all the WIC mothers and peer counselors. She is
known to answer her phone after hours and is continually available to mothers
and colleagues. Hilary has a special ability to support and empower mothers.
Her confidence helps others believe in themselves and her humor breaks down
barriers. Hilary has a gift for supporting mothers and is truly a blessing to the
entire East Idaho community. Her work has made breastfeeding accessible to
many women and their babies. These children are then more likely to
breastfeed their own children. Helping one woman impacts generations.
Hilary’s gifts and work have made a difference to me and countless others.