Consultora de lactancia / Enfermera de alcance comunitario - Hailey Idaho
Consultora de lactancia / Enfermera de alcance comunitario - Hailey Idaho
Breastfeeding Award of Excellence
Cindy Galloway, RD, LD, IBCLC of Boise, Idaho

CYNTHIA GALLOWAY, RDN, LD, IBCLC, A mother of 9 and grandmother of 28, is a lover of life, faith, family and friends. She spends her free time with her husband Dave recreating in the mountains and rivers of Idaho and sharing time with loved ones. A graduate of Bingham Young University in 1976, Cindy pursued a career as a registered dietitian nutritionist and later IBCLC, which paved a career of nourishing breastfeeding families in Idaho.
Cindy is a Senior Public Health Registered Dietitian, Breastfeeding Coordinator and Peer Counseling Manager for the WIC Program at Central District Health Department in Boise, Idaho. CDH is blessed by Cindy’s leadership, compassion and dedication to Public Health, Peer Counselors, and WIC staff and families.
Cindy was the Founding Chair of the Idaho Breastfeeding Coalition, in which She co-chaired the First and Second Annual Idaho Breastfeeding Summits in 2017 and 2018. She continues to serve on the IBC Board and the Summit Planning Committee in 2019. She also facilitates the Treasure Valley Breastfeeding Coalition.
Cindy coauthored Education for WIC Peer Counselors about Breastfeeding the Late Preterm Infant published in the Journal of Nutrition, Education and Behavior. This partnership lead to further engagements such as presenting how “the Idaho Breastfeeding Coalition facilitates Hospital and WIC Community Partnership” for the CDC-USBC Bi-monthly Coalitions Webinar Series, She was a speaker at the 2018 National WIC Association Annual Education and Training Conference and most recently this partnership was presented in a webinar for ILCA, Bridging the Gap: A Partnership between a Hospital System and Public Health (WIC) Breastfeeding Peer Counselors and Staff.
Under her leadership the CDH WIC Agency was the Recipient of the Gold Premier United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Services; WIC Loving Support Award of Excellence for Exemplary Breastfeeding Support and Practices.
Cindy's has a passion supporting and advocating breastfeeding families and has helped lay the foundation for the IBC. Nominated by her coworkers at WIC, Community Partners and friends, Cindy Galloway is the 2nd recipient of the Jane Grassley Breastfeeding Excellence Award.