Consultora de lactancia / Enfermera de alcance comunitario - Hailey Idaho
Consultora de lactancia / Enfermera de alcance comunitario - Hailey Idaho
Idaho Breastfeeding Laws

Can I Breastfeed in Public?
Yes! In 2018, House Bill 448 was introduced and later passed to amend sections of Idaho Code that specifically call out breastfeeding as EXEMPT from indecent exposure laws.

Pumping at Work or School
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, employers are required to provide "reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for 1 year after the child's birth each time such employee has need to express the milk." ​​​​​
Andrea Rassmusen is our local resource for all things under the Department of Labor: PUMP ACT, FMLA
​She is available to educate at your facility, available by phone and email for any question, comment, complaint, education
208-297-9655 (cell phone) Bilingual English/Spanish