Consultora de lactancia / Enfermera de alcance comunitario - Hailey Idaho
Consultora de lactancia / Enfermera de alcance comunitario - Hailey Idaho
Idaho Breastfeeding Summit
The birth of the Idaho Breastfeeding Summit was consummated when the Central District Health (CDH) and the IBC applied for funds to promote and support breastfeeding through the State of Idaho Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Program. This funding allowed the coalition to bring in nationally renowned speakers and provide continuing education credits at the first annual Idaho Breastfeeding Summit in 2017. The three-day conference had 158 attendees including nurses, IBCLC's, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, physicians, doulas, midwives, registered dietitians, and WIC peer counselors. This summit provided a venue for bringing stakeholders together to learn, connect and collaborate. It has been growing strong every year to become the most exceptional activity for breastfeeding advocates in the State of Idaho.
1st Annual Idaho Breastfeeding Summit
August 2-4, 2017
Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, McCleary Auditorium, Boise Idaho
Sponsored by: Idaho Breastfeeding Coalition, Central District Health, and Saint Alphonsus RMC
2nd Annual Idaho Breastfeeding Summit, Strengthening Partnerships that Benefit Idaho Families
June 28-29, 2018
Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, McCleary Auditorium, Boise Idaho
Sponsored by: Idaho Breastfeeding Coalition, Idaho Maternal Child Health, and Saint Alphonsus RMC
3rd Annual Idaho Breastfeeding Summit, Nourishing Breastfeeding Families of Idaho
June 27-28, 2019
Shoshone-Bannock Casino Hotel, Blackfoot, Idaho
Sponsored by: Idaho Breastfeeding Coalition, Idaho Maternal Child Health, Grove Creek Medical Center, and Bingham Healthcare.
4th Annual Idaho Breastfeeding Summit: Nourishing Breastfeeding Families of Idaho
June 24-25, 2021
JUMP (Jacks Urban Meeting Place), Boise, Idaho
Sponsored by: Idaho Breastfeeding Coalition, Idaho Maternal Child Health,
5th Annual Idaho Breastfeeding Summit
It Takes a Village to Elevate Our Idaho Families Through Breastfeeding
July 14-15, 2022
Hampton Inn Suites and Conference Center at Riverstone, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Sponsored by: Idaho Breastfeeding Coalition, and Kootenai Health